In 2021 the 13th meeting of the international Symposium on (Im)Politeness and the 7th meeting of the biannual iMean (interaction and meaning) conference will be merged for a meeting on the “pragmatics of translation” on 24-26 June, 2021 in (virtual) Basel, Switzerland.
With the current pandemic situation in Switzerland, we decided to proceed with anonline conference. If you are a registered participant, please login at https://www.conftool.com/sympol-imean21/ in order to have access to the conference program, zoom links and access to pre-recorded videos.
If you prefer to browse the conference program in a pdf, the conference booklet isNOW AVAILABLE. It contains all information you need for navigating the online platforms and all abstracts. The pdf does not contain Zoom and Gathertown links. For those you need to log into https://www.conftool.com/sympol-imean21/.
At the conference, scholars will present papers on translation outcomes and processes which highlight a pragmatic angle of understanding the transfer of language phenomena across cultures and intra-culturally. We approach translation from a broad perspective, including written textual translation from source to target language as well as other modalities such as signing, simultaneous translation or audiovisual translation by professional and lay people. We also include topics such as explaining meaning to each other or translating sensual experience into language.
Many scholars have taken up the challenge to address both (im)politeness/delicacy as well as translation issues within an interactional/pragmatics frame, which promises to be an exciting interface. In addition, in the tradition of both the symposium of politeness and i-mean, you will also be able to listen to papers on (im)politeness and interactional meaning more generally.
Please consult this website for information on registration and details on the organisation of the conference and browse the conference program in the above mentioned pdf or within the conftool system (for registered participants only).
We are happy to exchange our ideas with over 70 presenters plus attendees in June and are looking forward to lively discussions.
Kind regards, Miriam Locher and team
Keynote Speakers
The Symposium of Politeness brings together scholars interested in politeness and impoliteness studies from a multi-disciplinary perspective.
Previous conferences: https://linguisticpoliteness.wordpress.com/conferences/
The iMean conferences on interaction and meaning take place every second year.
Previous iMean conferences:
iMean 2019: https://www.confer.nz/imean6/
iMean2009-2017: https://www1.uwe.ac.uk/cahe/research/bristolcentreforlinguistics/i-mean/previousconferences.aspx
We are grateful to the following sponsors for supporting the sympol / iMean conference:
- The English Department of the University of Basel
- The Swiss National Science Foundation
- The Swiss Academy of Social Science and Humanity via the Swiss Association of Linguistics